The StoryBold Library

for writers

Your knowledge hub for mastering story craft, staying ahead of publishing industry trends, and getting your story into the hands of readers. Each article offers writing strategies and advice you can consume in just a few minutes and apply to your projects to see results.  

Social Media for Authors: 3 Experts to Help You Find Readers

Find the right social media expert to help you connect with readers, build your author brand, and promote your work. 

By Julie Tyler Ruiz


  • Why authors should leverage social media
  • 3 social media and book marketing experts 
  • Choosing the right social media platform
  • Additional resources for building your author brand 

Why authors should leverage social media

As an author, you can use social media to share your work, ideas, and personality. It’s a way for potential readers to get to know your style before your book is even published and gives you a head start on building an audience that’s excited to read your work.

Building a following and standing out on social media presents several challenges to be aware of. Which social media platform should you choose? How do you master each platform's tools and meet audience expectations? How do you balance time between writing and content creation? What's the best way to stand out and get...

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3 Author Website Examples to Inspire Your First (or Updated) Website

Explore three bestselling author website examples and get inspiration for developing your own site. 

By Julie Tyler Ruiz


  • Overview
  • James Clear: clean, book-centric design
  • Sarah J. Mass: enchanting, immersive design
  • Mark Manson: bold, life-centric approach
  • Next steps


Building an author website is a game-changer and a necessary step in growing your reader base. As I explore in my article, "Launch Your Author Website in 7 Steps," there are many benefits to having a website, even if your first site is simple and lean. Think of a website as a digital hub for your writing career, a dedicated space where you can showcase your work, connect with readers, and introduce them to who you are and what you write.

And remember: your site can grow as your writing career grows. As you build skills, complete projects, and build your audience, you can add content to your site that leads site visitors on an engaging journey through your work.  


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Launch Your Author Website in 7 Steps: a Quick Start Guide

A quick start guide to launching your author website, sharing your work, and attracting loyal readers. 

By Julie Tyler Ruiz 


  • Benefits of an author website
  • How to build an author website: 7 steps
  • What’s next? Building your author brand beyond the website

Benefits of an author website

Imagine having a space online that’s all yours—a place where readers, publishers, and literary agents can find you and your work with just a few clicks. Your author website helps you stand out and establish your brand. It’s your personal platform where you control the story, share updates, showcase your writing, and amplify your voice in the world of books.

Whether you’re sharing sample chapters, posting blog articles, or simply letting readers know more about your journey as a writer, your website offers endless opportunities to connect.

Here's the best part:

  • Building your first author website can be a smooth and exciting process, even if you don't...
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